I've seen and read any number of things showing the links between Christinsanity and other, older, myths of ancient peoples. But this is a concise, yet comprehensive gathering together of facts that all Christians should have to watch right before their final decision on baptism. But wait! It's not too late even after that to allow reason to reign supreme. Thanks to Andrea, The Nerd for posting these 3 videos (10 minutes each).
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Horus the Christ and other ancient myths
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8:53 PM
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My guess is Christians would see all of this as proof that people need religion but were of course lost until their god showed up and later Jesus to set everything straight. Halleluia!
Thanks for the videos. I suspect Phillychief is right. Christians claim that their story is unique (as well as true) and that other religions copied them.
Do you have a problem with the chronology involved in that claim? You're not supposed to know about that problem, or any others. Christian leaders provide just enough evidence to support their claims and no more. They count on their sheep accepting what they say and not doing any research of their own. It works much of the time.
No problem with the chronology. God planted those other stories as precursors, to ready the world for Christianity. In fact, when he created the heavens, he foresaw that Jesus would be the sun, would have 12 disciples, and would be resurrected after 3 days in the tomb.
God works in mysterious ways. That's all you need to know.
Now that I've proven the truth of Jesus to you, how about sending me some cash?
I understand the position which states, essentially, that people will overlook or explain away any flaw in their dogma, in order to continue blithely believing. The fact that many other religions have had a near identical story-line is not going to single-handedly destroy that religion.
I do stick by my guns - the guns of knowledge; and submit to you that if you are satisfied with any action that can statistically change the social environment, then it is probably a good thing to get as many Christians to see this video as possible.
If you are one of those Christians whose mind has been opened to other possibilities, then this becomes one more set of facts that may well determine you becoming non-religious. And I'd wager that Christian power-structures are very interested in making sure the flocks never see things like this. Chappy, did you ever have these historical facts presented to you?
Actually Ex has it exactly wrong. Those stories were planted by Satan in advance to cast doubt on the gospel which he knew would transpire afterwards. Justin Martyr called it "diabolical mimircy" when he made that argument in the 2nd Century.
Was able to watch only the first video...will watch the rest and shall share my thoughts !
These vidoes rock ! THKS /
I knew that Christian religion was originated from suppression of pagan beliefs & customs and it was so political by Romans.
But,I didn't know that Christian religion had so much common stuff from other religion especially the Egyptian religion. And above all, it is just a literary version of astronomy.
This is so academically correct ! Thanks for sharing these videos.
@ Prash - I thought they were pretty well done. This is nothing new, but it's put together and articulated well. Pass it around!
I think a lot of it you have Paul to thank. The disciples were essentially backwater hicks, whereas Paul was the big city, educated, cosmopolitan guy. He knew all these other religions and cults and saw what worked and what didn't and was able to craft something that would work. Plus, he also saw those non-Jews as an untapped market, which the rest didn't and weren't keen on tapping.
That's why Philly is so deeply fond of Saul of Tarsus. I wonder what our world would be like today if he had continued his previous line of work, then.
The first two vids make up part one of the Zeitgeist movie (zeitgeistmovie.com). That part of the documentary was very entertaining and made me wish it were true. The other parts (bankers in the USA start wars to make money & 9/11 never happened like they said it did) I was less enthusiastic about.
I do think it's ludicrous of Christians to sit there with their ancient texts and actually believe they've got it right, that their belief system is the only one that is true and accurate in all the world, that anything similar does not predate Christianity, but merely copies it... Blah. Can't reason with them.
Very entertaining, but if it's so obvious, I wonder why it's not more widely known. I checked Wikipedia (not necessarily a great source) for Horus, but it didn't mention anything about a virgin birth, death by crucifiction, etc.
I'd like to see someone of, say, Bart Ehrman's stature, write a book on this pulling it all together.
(((And Evo, change the "height" to 175 on those book graphics, and they'll look even better. ;) )))
@ Monique - thanks for stopping by. You sound like one of those atheists that just ignores the fundies and doesn't let it piss you off too much. I don't know how you do it! :)
@ SI - you're killing me, my anal brother.
See? Doesn't that look better?
You're killing me.
These videos suck! Scientifically speaking anyway. I expect a little more skepticism from my like-minded atheists. I love to gather around and bash religion but we should be more astute in our fact checking. While I certainly can't disagree with the many similarities between christianity and other religions, a lot of similarities have to do with the conversion of european pagans. They simply included their rituals to ease the conversion.
I'm just saying the video should have better evidence. Not that it would keep any of them from saying the "debil dun it"
Great videos thanks. I would have to say that I had goose bumps as I watched as if an invisible man would send lighting to strike me down for watching. I had been a long time Christian (brought up by Christian-fanatic mother) until I started asking questions. I obtained no answers from anyone in the Church except that I was being blasphemous, I am going to hell and that I had to stop asking questions because the questions were the cause of my unbelief. Unfortunately when you are brought up by strict christian parents you will be curse with guilt/fear for the most part of your life.
The guilt will ease up as time goes by. You can push it along faster by not being "anonymous"!
interestingly paul says that the gospel went out through the world before Christ came. Also interestingly all of the names of constelations and stars of the zodiac spell out in ancient caldean the general story of the gospel. as time went by cultures modified the story teo their own liking. this is why you also find a God man , virgin and flood in Mayan culture. When Christ apeared the perfect revelations came to all men. The unclear but suspected story shined to all. This is why He is called the desired of the nations. Its really simple.
Dr. A. ROFLMFAO! What's your doctorate in?
A is for amusing
hmmm...interesting. Question 1 is: since when is Horus depicted as JUST the sun. Historically, he contained the sun and moon (they were his eyes) therefore, he was looked at as the SKY. Question 2 is: Are we to believe that Jesus was a myth? Historians will NOT dispute the existence of Jesus. He was a real person. Question 3: Is ANYONE actually CHECKING THIS STUFF??? If you don't, you are doing the same things Christians are accused of in the videos and comments.
Chris - be cautious in your claims that historians will "NOT" dispute the existence of Christ (though that is an entirely different issue from a) did he do many, any or none of the things claimed in the NT and b) is he a god?) To me - I no more care about his existence than I care whether Buddha existed. I find it mildly interesting, just as I find facts about Horus, mildly interesting.
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