Unlike the Chief over at You Made Me Say It or Spanish Inquisitor at, you guessed it, Spanish Inquisitor, I have been pretty bad at basic blog maintenance. I think it's been over six months since I added any blogs on my sidebar.
So, Saturday night upkeep. If you have, for some reason, missed any of these blogs then I recommend you stop by sometime and check them out. They are (in order I first visited them)
Sean at Sean the Blogonaut, CL Hansen at Letters from a Broad, Tommy at Exercise in Futility, Yunshui at Right To Think, DB at An Inevitable Conflict and Question Everything at None of the Above.
You can find the links on the sidebar.
This should insure each of you at least one extra hit in the next 12 months. Hey, you're good. You deserve it.
Additionally, you might have noticed another new link on the sidebar. It's to a site called the Atheist Nexus. I think Sean the Blogonaut is already a member. We should all join. They have over 3,000 atheists in the network now.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Long over due
posted -
7:54 PM
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Hmm... what's your handle over at the Atheist Nexus. I've been looking to friend you.
Rock on fella, much appreciated!
So like a month from now are you going to have a post asking if anyone has heard about some controversy about this Atheist Nexus? LOL
I'm not sure I could join any nexus that would have me as a member.
Well, I signed up at Atheist Nexus and they haven't kicked me out yet so they must be sort of intelligent.
In a ripoff of that immortal guy who wrote that thing about off-color whales - Call me Ric.
@ c.l. and db - de nada.
OG - John Evo, natch. I've already added you as a friend. Check it.
Ric - too cool, bro. Love the pic. If they kick you out, I leave too. Let's hope they just overlook you.
Philly - I assume the "controversy" is now a dead issue considering all of the heavy hitters I see who have joined. Anyway, if the fucking Christians want info on me, all they have to do is ask. I'll give them an earful. I imagine you'd do worse!
@ Ric - by the way, I added you as a friend there as well.
Here's the problem I have with that site - it lacks a VIP room. Seriously, a lot of the posts are remedial atheism by possibly 12 years olds with things like "dudes, what are the best arguments to use?" Please! Create a test, and your score allows you access to the section void of n00bs. That's what I want.
A habit I have from my CG forum experience is when things like this come up I register simply to prevent some wanker from taking my username, so I'm registered there. Since registering, I think I've been there 3 times, and they were unsatisfying. It might be valuable as a marketing tool though.
I think the idea (or part of it) is to form groups within the "Group". So you have various interests that you gather around. We could create Another Goddamned Podcast group. If enough of us and our listeners join, it could create some interest in the podcast.
We could also form one based on the A. Blogroll.
Point is, you needn't hang with any particular set of atheists. I saw one group that was specifically for Little Rock, AK atheists! They plan their get-togethers at the Nexus. That's cool.
Fuck! That's why I couldn't get that PhillyChief screen name. Damn you!
About time. Now you need to figure out how to re-size those book graphics so they are proportionally rectangular, rather than square.
OK. I looked at your source code. In whatever the widget is that you insert the info about the book, reverse the numbers for "height" and "width". The height number should be bigger than the width number.
I use height="175" width="120"
Sorry for being so anal.
Yay, I'm added! Thank you
as a novice to Java, HTML, etc... I have a noob question.
How do you change your picture?
I know it's prolly tupid...
noobsauce me.
QE - just click on your own profile (when logged on to Blogger). It will give you a button to click - "Edit Profile". You can change you picture there.
SI - Your anal qualities are your problem. See, I can just listen to you babble and pick and choose what I like. Thanks for the heads up. I had no clue what was wrong and just kind of gave up on it. Now I know. :)
Thanks ! But I think I'll skip to join the Nexus. I don't want to become in any group...It's justs me.
Sean's been running an important series of posts on Mercy Ministries, a "faith-based organisation" with links to Pentecostal churches such as Hillsong, which has been "treating" young women suffering from eating disorders, depression, abuse etc. with exorcisms and "separation contracts" (i.e. separating victims from their friends), and stealing their welfare payments.
Well worth a read if you require reassurance that religious insanity, and its capacity to ruin lives, isn't limited to the United States.
Hi av. Thanks for stopping by. One thing our experiences in blogging and doing Another Goddamned Podcast has shown us - America doesn't have any lock on wackiness. We're trying to mention these other situations more. Sean is doing good work in Australia and deserves mention.
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