I was really happy when Dennis Kucinich got up on the floor of Congress yesterday and presented Articles of Impeachment. I had no intent to get on my blog today and talk about it. But I was listening to a radio program last night in which the host seemed certain there would be a virtual news black-out on it. I thought that was paranoid. Of course it would be all over the news! Just watch it! It's incredibly newsworthy. So I've spent a good deal of time roaming the Internet this morning and there is very little mention of it. Where it is mentioned, it's pretty well buried and is certainly not one of the "top stories". So I'm going to do my duty and keep it circulating. For what it's worth....
UPDATE: From The Raw Story
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Impeachment Charge Made - Where's the News Media?
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2:53 PM
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Didja notice all the other Reps sitting in their seats hanging on every word?
I'm surprised that Pelosi didn't hire someone to shoot the guy.
She doesn't want any fellow party-member muddying up the electoral waters with talk about justice. It's bad enough that the low-info voters think the Demcorats are elite.
Ric, they started out pretty noisy but as he got into it, it got pretty quiet in there Either that, or they all bolted out of the chamber!
Ex, it's not just Pelosi. I think most Democrats are too cowardly to forcefully pursue this. My wife and I were discussing the value of impeaching this late in his second term. We agreed that it would still be valuable. First, show some HUEVOS, Dems! If you want to start being leaders, then LEAD. Secondly, These illegal actions need to be on record as being seen as unconstitutional. If not, why should we think it won't happen again? Finally, Bush being tied up in the courts of Congress will stymie his attempts to do other illegal actions, such as attacking Iran. Hopefully. I know... don't say it.
I think Kucinich is just wasting time at this point. There's also the risk of a backlash from dim-witted voters who will buy the spin that Bush is being persecuted just as he's about to leave office.
Still, it'd be nice if this pushed Obama a little harder on his promise to do investigations once he takes office.
Bush is steadily losing a lot of the power and influence that is typically held by the President. This is probably due to many reasons, but a likely cause of the lack of influence is the public and media's fixation upon the 2008 Presidential Election instead of upon his current administration.
Personally I am looking forward to January. A vast majority of Americans will breathe a deep sigh of relief when Bush walks out the doors of the Oval Office, never to return again.
I doubt that Kucinich or his cohorts will succeed in impeaching the President. And it would seem to me a bit redundant if in fact he were to be impeached just a few months before he is scheduled to leave the office.
His apparent "crimes" need to be proven to be in fact criminal. Is there any evidence to warrant a trial and conviction?
To Kune and Brendan (thanks for stopping by, Kune) -
You both bring up solid points. The main point of my post is - why is this not a news story? Impeachment is kind of a big deal. At least it was before the GOP made a mockery of it with Clinton.
I know time is short. I do not think he will in fact be impeached. I think the charges are legitimate (it would be up to Congress to decide about the evidence, Kune. "Charges" require a credible case. Kucinich certainly has that on at least a half dozen articles).
By bringing this up, it at the very least makes a statement about what is unacceptable in the actions of the Executive. To simply ignore some of the things Bush has done removes what little credibility the Congress has as part of our system of "checks and balances".
Deceiving the American people to take us into war against a country that had not threatened or attacked us, Use of extraordinary rendition minus legal remedy (habeas corpus), spying on U.S. citizens by illegally gathering phone record information, approving and committing torture, use of the Justice Department to attack political enemies and protect friends. You can't just say "his term is almost over" even if it is unrealistic to think he will actually be impeached.
At least, that's my opinion. And I certainly am astounded that the media doesn't cover it.
I agree with everything you say about the criminality of the Bush Administration. I also agree with you about the deplorable state of the media's coverage of Bush.
So, I guess I take your point that it's worth hammering on, in some sense -- valiant if futile, I guess I'd put it.
Maybe I'm just too resigned to the MSM and where it has sunk to. Did you catch the Daily Show's coverage Momday night of the Phase II Intelligence Report coverage? About says it all.
I'm inclined to accept Brendan's reasoning for why the Dems aren't doing this. In that sense, maybe it's the Dems keeping it out of the news and not the Republicans. How's that for conspiracy thinking?
So how many have signed this thing so far, btw?
@ Brendan -
Momentum? Not really. Wexler has been one of the good guys all along. Any, to answer Philly's question, my understanding is that Pelosi agreed to let it be put to a full vote of the house whether to send the Kucinich Articles along to the House Committee that handles legal matters (I think the one run by Conyers, who has backed Pelosi's "off the table" agenda). Even if the House so votes, it will likely die in committee.
Back to Philly - ever heard of the 4th Estate? Fuck the Democrats. Fuck the Republicans. If this thing is getting almost zero coverage (Olbermann was certainly a nice exception last night - check it out if you have time), then the blame is on Corporate Media and no one else. This is the MOST under-reported story (for obvious reasons) - the abject failure of main stream media. As Brendan points out, I may be harping on the silence about the Articles, but what about the silence on Phase II Intelligence Report? What about the silence on the former military analysts being used by the Pentagon to distribute propagandistic talking points in the guise of honest, third-party analysis on MSM?
And so we blog.
Let's face it, news is a media enterprise. News requires ratings to show to advertisers to both inspire them to advertise on their network (or specific show) and to justify the cost to do so. The ratings come from a viewing public that is mostly comprised of those "low info" people. So what do you do?
It's ridiculous, but in order to get an issue to be covered, it has to be made "sexy". In other words, make it play to those idiots, I mean "low info" people. The Republicans have literally put on a clinic on how to do this for the last decade or more. Contrast that to say Kerry taking an hour to explain why he prefers chocolate over vanilla. Yaaaaawn.
The impeachment has to be made sexy and palatable. No big words, long legal explanations, lengthy points, blah blah. This is the secret to getting media coverage and I'm sorry but Kucinich speaking doesn't work. Maybe if he had his wife there, perhaps in something strapless...
Yeah, the "low info" side of me screams "She's HOT"!
Way hot my friend, way hot, which then prompts the "high info" side of me to start listening to what that little elf says because if he can convince that ginger goddess to marry him, he may be quite the genius.
I don't like to look at it that way. I'd rather think he isn't any smarter than me. I'm sure you can see where this goes...
Yes and give it up, you ain't got a chance. ;)
John, I have to agree with Brendan's comment. I fully agree with you that half or so of the articles presented by Kucinich are actually worthy of whatever attention society is giving.
I furthermore have to take the view expressed by Keith Olbermann. Negligence of office, or being a bad President, is not an impeachable offense. If it was, half of America's Presidents would have been impeached.
By the way John, I like your blog. Definitely a thoughtful place to congregate at.
Thanks a lot, Kune. If you want to see some really good blogs, check out some of the people who comment here. I'm proud to have the regular commenters who come. I take it you have a particular interest in politics, in which case Brendan and GrumpyLion are two great spots.
Ah, the compassion and loyalty. Indeed I have actually check out both before and I must say that I agree. Good political blogs are always an interesting find. I'll be looking forward to more articles from you though.
I read today that this was sent to committee.
Translation: Killed until after Bush leaves office.
Thanks for the comps, y'all.
Not to be piling on or beating a dead horse, but John Scalzi had an argument against that I just came across. Even if you don't buy the stance, it's worth reading just for the writing.
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