Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Economic Morons of the Right

Balanced by a voice of reason. Don't you love accountability?


Maria Salva said...

Sad as it is to consider what possible effects it may have had on people listening, I find it quite funny to see those enthusiastic reccomendations of, almost exclusively, the stocks from companies that ended up in collapse.

Anonymous said...

He said the exact same thing I'd been saying for years and nobody listened to me either. No one wants to admit that the magical rainbows aren't real, they want to think that everything is wonderful and always will be.

The funniest thing about that clip was watching Ben Stein being completely wrong about everything. Is this doofus ever right?

Grumpy Lion said...

Well, I watched about seven seconds of the video, against my better advice to myself. I mean, c'mon, Fox News? But then I said "Okay, it's Evo, maybe there's something worth watching in it..." But then the Fox Newstwitch said 'Arthur Laffer' and that was the end of it. Laffer. Reagan. Supply side voodoo. Trickle down. And for ten minutes? No thanks. I'm depressed enough without having to pretend to pretend that any of it was worth paying attention to today. And Cephus noted Ben Stein is in the clip, which confirms my decision to send a team of midgets in white uniforms to Evo's house and have him carted away to be tied up in a dark room listening to all of Sarah Palin's speeches over and over again. He obviously has way too much time on his hands.

PhillyChief said...

My favorite was Stein emphatically stating how Merryl Lynch is an exceptionally well run institution. LOL

It was worth it Grumpy, to watch 2 years of "experts" laugh at and berate this guy Schiffer.

Anonymous said...

Great clip. Kudos to Schiffer for knowing his stuff. He tried to warn us, but the partiers wanted to keep on partying. Now the bill's come due and they've got neither cash nor credit.

Anonymous said...

What the clip really needed at the end was a demonstration that Schiffer was right all along and everyone else was wrong.

It just goes to show that the so-called experts usually don't have a clue what they're talking about.