Sunday, August 26, 2007

Impressed By Akai MPD24

I have to admit, it's really a skill. I've always shrugged off electronically created music as being a lazy way of achieving, when others have dedicated years to the piano, flute, violin, etc. But seeing this video certainly gives me a new look at this type of music. It still doesn't match up to attending an orchestral concert, but it deserves some respect.

The performer had this to say about the work:

"Recently, I noticed there were hardly any videos on youtube showing the new AKAI MPD24 so I took a few hours to make this one. It isn't perfect and I know that the pad scratching is kind of cheesy but it was a new i recently learned so I ended up using it in this little video."


Sillysighbean said...

What happens when you mix Computers and Weed?...ahhh

John Evo said...


Anonymous said...
